Title: New profiles for new societies
Collection: Tuning Journal for Higher Education - No. 1, November 2013
Client: University of Deusto
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic development of the original cover design,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding
Creation of final Word, PDF and JPEG files of logos and covers, for their subsequent export to XML and hosting in the OJS platform.
Title: Revista Euskera 2012, 3
Client:Academy of the Basque language
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding.
Title: La alegría de evangelizar
Collection: Las palabras del Papa Francisco
Client: Romana editorial
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website.
Title: Análisis de redes sociales
Collection: Clásicos contemporáneos 10
Client: Centre for Sociological Research
Year of publication: 2014
Content processing and page layout, including mathematical formulas
Reading, revision and correction of initial proofs,
Creation of analytical and name indexes,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding
Title: El Teatro Político en la España del XIX
Collection: Historia y Política 29
Client: Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout,
Reading, revision and correction of initial proofs,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding
TITLE: IT Innovative Practices in Secondary Schools: Remote Experiments
ColLecTiOn: Engineering Collection
Client: University of Deusto
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout of texts and images, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding,
International copy distribution.
Title: Key Publications of the European Union 2011
Client: Publications Office of the European Union (Luxemburgo)
Year of publication: 2012
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding.
Título: Informe de Gobierno Corporativo de las entidades emisoras de valores admitidos a negociación en mercados secundarios oficiales
Cliente: National Stock Market Commission
Año de publicación: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding.
Title: La excelencia operativa en la Administración Pública
Client: National Institute of Public Administration
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout,
Reading, revision and correction of proofs,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Digital printing for final revision from Client.
Title: Manual for statistics on energy consumption in households
Collection: Eurostat - Manuals and guidelines
Client: Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout,
Reading, revision and correction of proofs in English,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website.
Title:Reglamento del Parlamento Vasco - Constitución y leyes institucionales básicas
Client: Basque Parliament
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and integrated binding or Flexibook.
Title: Perfil del pensionista
Collection: Colección Documentos, Serie Documentos Estadísticos
Client: Institute for Older Persons and Social Services
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Creation of master copy and replication of CD, screen printing of label and casing in multimedia format.
Title: Normativa sobre Auditoría de Cuentas en España
Client: Institute of Accounts and Accounts Auditing
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding,
Creation of master copy and replication of Pendrive in card format.
Title: Boletin Oficial de Biscay
Client: Regional Government of Biscay
Year of publication: 2013
Phototypesetting of originals received in electronic format and on paper,
Reading, revision and correction of proofs,
Delivery of final proofs in PDF format,
Extraction, loading and validation of adverts in the Client’s extranet,
Advert layout for web publishing.
Title: Boletín Oficial del Congreso de los Diputados
Client: Official State Gazette Agency
Year of publication: 2014
Phototypesetting of originals received in electronic format and on paper,
Reading, revision and correction of proofs,
Delivery of final proofs in Adobe InDesign format.
Title: Boletín trimestral IV,2013
Client: National Stock Market Commission
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website.
Title: Boletín Debabarrena
Client: Debegesa – Economic Development Company of Debabarrena
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website.
Title: Informe Anual 2012
Client: National Stock Market Commission
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website.
Title: Informe anual 2011 -Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención de la Tortura
Client: Ombudsman
Year of publication: 2012
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout in Spanish and English,
Proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding.
Creation of master copy and replication of CD, screen printing of label, enveloped and inserted into inside covers.
Title: European Drug Report 2012 – Trends and developments
Client: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA, Lisboa)
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout in 23 official languages of the European Union,
Proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and PUR glued paperback binding.
Title: Memoria Anual 2012
Client: Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding.
Title: El medio ambiente en 2012
Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Creation of master copy and replication on CD, screen printing of label and casing in multimedia format.
Title: XXII Cumbre Iberoamericana - Memoria de la organización (Cádiz 2012)
Client: Publications Service of the Ministry of the Presidency
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and thread sewn paperback binding.
Title: Catálogo TESA
Client: AURMAN
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout in Russian,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing.
Title: Programa de Excelencia en Diabetes
Client: J&C Ediciones Médicas
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing.
Title: Flyer MasterJai
Client: Imprenta Abadiño
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design, layout and creation of optimized PDF file for printing.
Title: Cartel Poesía del Pensamiento VI
Client: Museo de Arte e Historia, Durango
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design, layout and creation of optimized PDF file for printing.
Title: Cartel Fiesta del Agua
Client: Iniciativas Ambientales
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design, layout and creation of optimized PDF file for printing.
Title: Presentación Vitalitas
Client: AURMAN
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout in Chinese,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing.
Title: Biscay maitea - Udazkena 2013
Client: Iniciativas Ambientales
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout in Spanish, Euskera and English,
Proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website.
Title: Impetus Journal no. 16
Client: European Union External Action Service (EEAS, Bruselas)
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and wire binding.
Title: #salvemoselCJE
Collection: Revista del Consejo de la Juventud de España - Nº 4
Client: Youth Council of Spain
Year of publication: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Production of e-book in PageFlip format,
Printing and wire binding.
Title: Drugnet Europe 84
Client: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA, Lisboa)
Year of publication: 2013
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and the Website,
Printing and wire binding.
Title: Jóvenes Arquitectos de España
Client: Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
Year of publication: 2010
Processing and retouching of images,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing.
Title: International Architecture Award 2013
Client: BigMat - Building Material Distributors
Year of publication: 2013
Processing and retouching of images,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing.
Title: Actuaciones de Regeneración Urbana en el Área de Rehabilitación del Centro Histórico de Burgos
Client: PARKMUSA - Estacionamientos y Garajes Municipales de Burgos
Year of publicatióo: 2013
Graphic design of covers and inside pages,
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and hardcover binding.
Title: Your Pregnancy Bible
Client: Carroll & Brown Ltd
Year of publication: 2011
Processing and retouching of images,
Creation of high quality colour proofs,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing.
Title: Marco Estratégico de Acción Exterior de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi
Client: Lehendakaritza – Presidency of the Basque Government
Year of publication: 2012
Content processing and page layout, proof correction,
Creation of optimized PDF files for printing and for the website,
Printing and hardcover binding.